
Type of Vessel Multi-Purpose Sea Going AHT
Class L.O.R.S. 100A1 TUG – Unrestricted Service
Flag Dutch
Built  2006 October
Dims Loa: 29.80 mtr
Lll: 27,76 mtr
Beam: 9.50 mtr
Depth (moulded): 3.10 mtr
Draught: 2.50 mtr
GT/NT: 232 ton/71 Ton
Main Engines Output Mitsubishi 2 x 940 kW (1278 hp) each 
Bollar Pull 30,2 tons
Bow Thruster 165 kW (224 hp)
Max speed/Consumption 11 knots / 6 cbm MGO
Auxiliary Engines/Gen Sets 1 x 392 kVa Mitsubishi (335 kW/455 hp)
2 x 65 kVa John Deere
Tank Capacities Fuel: 112 mі (Diesel)
Lubrication Oil: 10.3 mі
Freshwater: 37 mі
Sewage: 12.5 mі (Sewage can also be taken from other vessels)
Dirty Oil: 5.1 mі
Fuel Transferpump: 25 mі/hrs
Freshwater Transferpump: 25 mі/hrs
Fuel Separator: 2x Alfa-Laval 5000 ltr/24 hrs
Freshwater Maker: 3500 ltr / 24 hrs
Communications and Navigation equipment

GMDSS area A1+A2+A3
Consoles: 1x Front navigation console with clear forward view : 1x Aft navigation console with clear view over the workdeck, crane and towing winch. Wheelhouse fully airconditioned
Radar: 1x JRC-type JMA-5310-6 (with ARPA functionality) in front navigation console : 1x JRC-type JMA-609-7 (River Radar) with 2 colour screens, one in the front and one in the aft navigation console
AIS: 1x AIS Identification reciever
Gyro Compass: 1x Alphatron-type Minicourse and steering repeater in front navigation console
Automatic pilot: 1x Anschьtz-type NP 60 (Sea Pilot) in front navigation console 1x Alphatron-type Alphapilot MC (River Pilot). Remote unit in aft navigation console
Rudder Angle Indicator Syst.: 1x Alphatron-type Alpharudder MC. Slave in aft navigation console and steering room
Rate of Turn Indicator Syst.: 1x Alphatron-type Alphaturn MC in front navigation consoleMagnetic Compass: Cassens & Plath with analogue repeater in front navigation console
  Echo Sounder: JRC-type JFE-582 Graphic recorder fitted near chart table and remote display unit in front navigation console
DGPS: SAAB-type R4 DGPS fitted near chart table
Camera System: 4x Camera, 2 on each side of the vessel to reduce the dead angle 1x 15” TFT monitor Quadpresentation in front navigation consoleIntercom :Alphatron-type Alphacall (with 5 call stations) in front navigation console
Remote unit in aft navigation console
VHF : 2x Sailor-type RT 5022 25 Watt + DSC in front navigation console.
1x remote unit in aft navigation console and 1x remote unit in messroom
1x Sailor-type RT in Captain’s Cabin 2x Handheld watertight GMDSS VHF
transcievers McMurdo-type R2
MF/HF : 1x Sailor-type System 4000 150 Watt PEP + DSC in front radio console
Inmarsat-C : 2x Sailor-type TT3000E on radio deskNavtex : 1x JRC-type NCR-333 fitted near chart table
Mini-M Satellite telephone : 1x Sailor-type Mini-M for voice, fax and data (email) on radio desk
GSM : 1x GSM telephone on radio desk with extra callpoint in Captain’s CabinElectronic
Nav. Chart Syst. : 1x E.N.C. Alphatron-type Alphachart with 19” TFT-screen in front navigation
Weather : 1x Windmeasuring syst. Alphatron-type Alphawind in front radio console

Towing, Salvage and Anchor Handling equipment
Towing/Pushing Equipment :
Hydraulic Towing Winch;
Pulling force of approx. 40 ton. Holding force 60 tons
2 Drums; One with 700 mtr of Ш 38 mm steel wire and
One with 400 mtr of Ш 38 mm steel wire
Sternroller / Hydraulic Towing Pins in aft deck swl 30 tons
Pushing i.c.w. towing winch and wire-drum on anchorwinch, Rubber fendered pushbow
Deck Equipment :
Free deck space 120 mІ / 3x 20ft container fitted / Reeferplug available Heila crane type HLRM 200 mt – 4 SL max 9.5 tons @ 15.75 mtr / local and remote controlled
Hull Deepsea Class
Bow is Ice-strengthened. Stringer over the whole length for extra

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